About the submission process

We welcome submissions from industry and across academic fields that reflect conference topic areas and aim at one of the conference theme tracks. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous peer-review process and, if accepted, can be published in IEEE Xplore proceedings indexed in Scopus. 

The submission process is organized into two stages:

1) abstract submission; 

2) full paper submission.

Abstract submission and acceptance are compulsory if the authors wish to deliver a presentation during the Conference. Full paper submission is optional if the authors want their paper to be reviewed for IEEE Xplore Conference Proceedings https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp or special issues suggested by the Conference. Please, read the below-provided submission process description carefully. 

The EDAS paper processing system is used for both abstracts and full papers submission process management. If you do not have an EDAS account, you have to create one. It is free of charge and requires providing only one surname, some affiliation information, and an email address. You can sign up at https://www.edas.info/. Note that every author must have an EDAS account. 

Submission guidelines

Abstract submission is necessary if you want to present during the Conference. Besides, only authors with an accepted abstract are invited to upload a full paper. 

The abstract should be submitted in pdf format without any author information in the document. It should be no longer than 1000 words and include the title of the submission, research question, methods, research results, theoretical and managerial implications, conclusions, and references. Please provide a short abstract (150-200 words) in the metadata for review purposes. 

Authors submit abstracts on the EDAS system and indicate the conference track they apply. 

All abstracts are reviewed following a double-blind review process. Please ensure that author information is not provided in the abstract document. The notification about acceptance/rejection will be sent to the corresponding author. 

Note that at least one submission author must register for the Conference and present the paper during the Conference. Otherwise, the submission will not be included in the Conference Program. 

After you receive notification that your abstract has been accepted, you are welcome to submit a full paper. By providing the full paper, you will receive feedback from two reviewers. You will have the possibility to decide whether you want that your paper would be considered for publication in Conference Proceedings or Special Issues. However, it is necessary that at least one author of the submission register for the Conference and present the paper during the Conference. Otherwise, the paper review process will not be arranged, and the submission will not be included in the Conference Program. 

Note that abstract acceptance does not necessarily mean that your full paper is automatically accepted for publication. The Editor leaves the right to reject the paper if it does not fit with the scope and requirements of Conference Proceedings or Special Issues. 

Ensure that you have your ABSTRACT SUBMISSION number, as you will need it to complete the upload of your full paper. The abstract submission number is in the abstract acceptance letter that is sent to the corresponding author’s email address. Authors submit full papers on the EDAS system and indicate the conference track they apply. The papers are reviewed following a double-blind review process. 

If you decide to submit a full paper to be considered for the Conference Proceedings, please carefully follow these formatting requirements: 

  1. Get familiar with IEEE guidelines and requirements for conference papers https://conferences.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/ and download the conference paper template https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html. Manuscripts must be prepared on the IEEE template with a maximum length of 4000-6000 words. Note that extra up to two (2) pages are permissible, with an additional fee paid at the registration time.
  2. Submitted papers must be in PDF or LaTeX format. The IEEE Conference author tool PDF eXpress® will be applied for evaluating manuscript files. So, be careful and do not modify the template style and/or format. 
  3. After your paper is ready for submission, check it with the PDF eXpress account (which will be provided later) and follow the correction instructions. The system automatically does a similarity check for papers published on the Internet by all publishers. There could be a requirement to make some corrections if your paper is too similar to the existing publications. 



Accepted papers that are copyrighted to IEEE and presented at the Conference by at least one of the authors will be eligible for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library once it meets the requirements of an IEEE quality review. Authors must sign the IEEE copyright form.