The timezone used in the conference is UTC+3 (EEST – Eastern European Summer Time)
Bus from Radisson Kaunas Hotel to KTU Santaka Valley
Registration Opens
Getting to Know Kaunas University of Technology
Guided tour around Kaunas University of Technology labs and main facilities
Meeting at Santaka Valley Lobby
Coffee & Transition Break
Professional Development Workshops:
Smart PLS
Room 225
Christian Ringle | University of Hamburg, Germany
In the field of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship research, structural equation modeling (SEM) is widely regarded as a useful multivariate analysis approach that can be used to analyze theoretically established models with constructs and observed data. This session will provide a straightforward introduction to SEM using the SmartPLS 4 software, with particular emphasis on developing a conceptual model, implementing it using SmartPLS 4, and analyzing and interpreting results reports. During this session, participants will be able to actively apply the content and skills learned using a case study and their own SmartPLS 4 installation.
The Role of Education in Addressing Climate Emergency
Room 228
Syed Yaqzan, Orsolya Ihasz, Manish Singh | Cranfield University, United Kingdom
This interactive workshop will explore the role of education in fighting climate change, with a focus on five emerging themes identified through research conducted by colleagues from Cranfield University and BPP University. Participants will engage in group discussions, case study assessments, and presentations to gain insights and ideas for implementing the themes at their own universities or educational contexts to better integrate NetZero and sustainability themes into education.
Systematic Literature Review
Room 226
Diego Prior | Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
This session is designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills required to conduct advanced-level systematic literature reviews using data bases (WoS and Scopus) and computer tools. Whether you are a researcher, a PhD candidate, or a professional seeking to enhance your literature review capabilities, this master class will provide you with valuable insights and practical techniques. We will guide you through every stage of the systematic literature review process, enabling you to develop effective research questions, identify gaps in literature, synthesise literature using modern tools, and report your findings in accordance with established guidelines.
Coffee & Transition Break
Professional Development Workshops:
Visualizing qualitative Data with MAXQDA
Room 228
Tamara Pataki | Maxqda, Germany
MAXQDA is an all-in-one software for qualitative and mixed methods data analysis. This workshop offers a thematic introduction to MAXQDA focusing on data visualization. The workshop will show how visual tools can be used to support different stages of a research project: data exploration, analysis and reporting. Whether you are a beginner or have some familiarity with MAXQDA, this workshop will provide you a good foundation for leveraging visualizations for your own research. The session is designed to be interactive, providing you a chance to try the features on the spot. You will have access to a sandbox project, but you are also welcome to bring your own data.
All participants will need a computer with the latest version of MAXQDA 2022 (Standard, Plus or Analytics Pro) installed. For this purpose, you can easily use the 14-day fully functional trial version of MAXQDA: We will also provide you with a workshop license at the beginning of the sessions. Please install MAXQDA 2022 on your computer before the beginning of the session.
Please ensure that your computer meets the system requirements:
Legal Issues on Data
Room 226
Emmanuel Terrier | Montpellier University, France
Artificial intelligence now plays an essential role in diagnosis, medical decision-making and the choice of treatment. The major principles of the legal framework for medical decision-making, such as beneficence and non-maleficence, personal autonomy and social justice, are now confronted by artificial intelligence. How can we reconcile this intersection of new techniques with fundamental and traditional ethics?
What is the patient’s place at the heart of a medical process revolutionized by the impact of A.I. ?
Digital Services Act
Room 225
Alpo Varri | Tampere University, Finland
The European Union has recently approved two acts to make internet a level playing field for online businesses, the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act. While the Digital Markets Act is only applicable to the very big gatekeepers in the internet business, the Digital Services Act is applied also to small internet businesses which offer intermediary services within the EU. This workshop summarises the most important requirements of the Digital Services Act. It gives also the possibility to discuss how small and medium size businesses can implement the requirements. Participation in the workshop may bring you surprises in how you need to make small changes to your business practises to avoid the penalties of the act.
Coffee & Transition Break
Welcome by Edita Gimzauskiene, Dean @ School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Plenary Session I “Digital Ecosystems”

Keynote: The Role of Data Standards in Digital Healthcare Ecosystems. Experience from European Initiatives
Catherine Chronaki, Secretary General @ HL7 Europe, Belgium

Keynote: Exploring Siemens Healthineers Digital Journey
Marc Schlichtner, Principal Key Expert @ Siemens Healthineers Digital Health, Germany
Frank Konopka, Principal Key Expert @ Siemens Healthineers Digital Health, Germany
Welcome Reception at Santaka Valley (K. Barsausko str. 59, 51423 Kaunas)
Bus from KTU Santaka Valley to Radisson Kaunas Hotel
TUESDAY 10 October
Bus from Radisson Kaunas Hotel to KTU Santaka Valley
Registration opens

Keynote: Dynamic Competition in Digital Ecosystems
David Teece, Professor @ UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business, USA.
Round Table Discussion: Dynamic Competition in Digital Ecosystems
Moderator: Bowman Heiden, Executive Director @ Tusher Center, UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business
David Teece, Professor @ UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business, USA.
Catherine Chronaki, Secretary General @ HL7 Europe, Belgium.
Nicolas Petit, Professor @ European University Institute, Italy.
Thibault Schrepel, Associate Professor @ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Parallel Sessions and Business Case 1
Track 1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Converging in Response to Digitalization, Greening, and Opening of Innovation Networks
Room 225
Session 1.1. Innovation Ecosystems for Sustainable Future and Society
Session Moderator: Monika Petraite, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
The Impact of Digital Transformation to the Potential of Space Projects and Infrastructure to Respond to Main Needs of a Sustainable Society | Patrick Cohendet (Hec Montreal, Canada)
Startup Ecosystem in Oman – Prospects and Problem | Subrahmainan Muthuraman (Arab Open University, Oman), Mohammed Al Haziazi (Arab Open University, Oman)
Mapping the European Innovation Ecosystems for Renewable Energy: The Role and Impact of MNCs | Taras Danko (National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine), Nataliia Krasnokutska (Comillas Pontifical University, Spain & National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine), Natalia Shyriaieva (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany; National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine)
Innovation Ecosystems Defining Circular Economy Transitions in the European Manufacturing Ecosystems | Manuel Morales (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania & ERASME Centre of Sustainability, France)
A Strategic Implementation Framework for Stakeholder Inclusion in Values-Based Innovation Development | Jolita Ceicyte-Pranskune (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Katerini Tsintsaris (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Track 2. Sustainability-Based Business Models and Consumption Behaviour
Room 226
Session 2.1. Different Sides of Consumer Behavior
Session Moderator: Agne Gadeikiene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
The Impact of Consumer Responsibility for Sustainable Consumption of Young People on the Local Brands Purchase Likelihood | Berta Canal (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Alex Rialp (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Josep Rialp (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Factors Determining Collaborative Consumption Intentions of Accommodation Services | Agne Gadeikiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Asta Svarcaite (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Martynas Gaidelis (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
A Screen as a Mirror of Consumer and Its Consumerism: Does Modern Consumer Consumes Itself? | Ilze Jankovska (Riga Technical University, Latvia)
Narcissism Effect on Materialism and Pro-Environmental Behavior Relationship | Linas Pupelis (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Beata Seinauskiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Impact of Brand Related Fake News Perception on Internet Based Consumer Decisions | Jurgita Stravinskiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Dainora Maumeviciene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Monika Raudoniute (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Track 3. Digital Transformation, Roadmapping and Scenario Building
Room 441
Session 3.1. Digital Transformation Enablers and Effects
Session Moderator: Mantas Vilkas, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Investment in Digitalization, Revenue Enhancement Through Digitalization, and Firm Performance: Examining the Moderating Role of Contingency Factors | Syed Ahsan Ali Zaman (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania & Southwest Jiaotong University, China), Mantas Vilkas (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Fatima Tul Zehra (Jinnah University for Women, Pakistan)
Evaluating the Impact of Digital Transformation Activities on Organizational Strategic Goals | Joshua Olusegun Fayomi (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
The Process of Actualization of Digital Technologies Affordances in the Manufacturing Companies: A Multi-Method Approach | Gediminas Marcinkevicius (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Mantas Vilkas (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania) Rimantas Rauleckas (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Process Mining-Enabled Roadmaps for Digitalization Strategy Planning | Mantas Vilkas (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Alessandro Stefanini (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Track 6. Digital Platforms and Entrepreneurial Venture
Room 228
Session 6.1. Digital Platforms and Entrepreneurial Venture
Session Moderator: Christopher Mathieu, Lund University, Sweden
Healthcare Platform Startups Performance in Turbulent Environments. Dynamic Competition Perspective | Victor Manuel Gimenez Garcia (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), Diego Prior (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), Asta Pundziene (UC Berkeley, USA & Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Rima-Sermontyte Baniule (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Become a Platform-Based Unicorn in Digital Health: New and Transformed Entrepreneurial Decisions | Sea Matilda Bez (University of Montpellier, France), Rima-Sermontyte Baniule (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Isabel Narbon-Perpina (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), Neringa Gerulaitiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Xiaohong Quan (San Jose State University, USA), Saleh Farazi (London South Bank University, United Kingdom (Great Britain))Rethinking Value Capture Strategies in Healthcare Born-Digital Firms | Lukas Geryba (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Asta Pundziene (UC Berkeley, USA & Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Digital Healthcare Platforms Enabling Remote Care Value Creation: Multiple-Case Study from Stakeholder Perspectives | Nina Helander (Tampere University, Finland), Asta Pundziene (UC Berkeley, USA & Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Rima-Sermontyte Baniule (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Jordi Carrabina (Univesitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), Christopher Mathieu (Lund University, Sweden), Susanne Boethius (Lund University, Sweden), Irene Georgescu (University of Montpellier, France)
The Role of Accelerators in the Performance of Digital Healthcare Platforms | Lukas Geryba (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Isabel Narbon-Perpina (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), Diego Prior (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), Josep Rialp (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
(To connect through your personal laptop, you can use any space on campus or HALL 1 in case of need)
Session 0.1. Digital Leadership
Moderator: Jurgita Sekliuckiene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Exploring the Impacts of Covid-19 on Global Value Chains: A Literature Review | Egle Meta Simkuniene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Jurgita Sekliuckiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
The Impact of Digitalization on the Dematerialization of Working Time in the EU: Investing the Right to Disconnect | Marta Urbane (RSU, Latvia)
Transcultural Leadership for Sustainable Development – What If We Focus on Developing Commonalities? | Tobias Grünfelder (Zeppelin University, Germany)
BUSINESS CASE 1. Gluk Media, Lithuania
Case Title: Future Creating Technologies for Business
Session Moderator: Asta Savaneviciene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Presenter: Simas Chomentauskas, CEO @ Gluk Media, Lithuania
Networking break
Parallel Sessions and Business Case 2
Track 1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Converging in Response to Digitalization, Greening, and Opening of Innovation Networks
Room 225
Session 1.2. Navigating Family Business in Contemporary Innovation Landscape
Session Moderator: Neringa Gerulaitiene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
The Impact of Social Emotional Wealth Passed on Through Three Generations on Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and Organizational Resilience | Chiung-Wen Tsao (National University of Tainan, Taiwan), Chung-Kai Kuo (National University of Tainan, Taiwan)
Intellectual Capital and Resilience of Family Businesses: Role of Absorptive Capacity | Muhammad Faraz Mubarak (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Monika Petraite (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Neringa Gerulaitiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Ilona Baumane-Vītoliņa (Management and Economics University of Latvia, Latvia)
A Comparison Between Eastern and Western Family Businesses: Dynamic Managerial Capabilities, Resilience and Succession | Duong Tuan Nguyen (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan), Shyh-Jer Chen (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan), Chiung-Wen Tsao (National University of Tainan, Taiwan), Neringa Gerulaitiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Ilona Baumane-Vītoliņa (Management and Economics University of Latvia, Latvia)
Family Firm Innovativeness. How Emotion Regulation of Family Firm Manager and Dynamic Capabilities Make It Work | Asta Pundziene (UC Berkeley, USA & Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Neringa Gerulaitiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Audrius Kabasinskas (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Chen Shyh-Jer (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan), Chiung-Wen Tsao (National University of Tainan, Taiwan)
Continuous Innovation Management in R&D Firms Under Uncertainty: The Role of Transformative Learning and Rapid Decision Making | Jolita Ceicyte-Pranskune (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Monika Petraite (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Track 2. Sustainability-Based Business Models and Consumption Behaviour
Room 226
Session 2.2. Building Resilient Business Models in a Sustainable and Circular Economy
Session Moderator: Lina Dagiliene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Leveraging Value Creation Toward Business Models for Sustainability | Maria Cabrita (Faculty of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
The Bargaining Positions of Companies and Consumers, Shaping Business Models in the Apparel Industry, Challenged by the Sustainability Pressures and Global Value Chains Reconfigurations | Egidijus Rybakovas (Kaunas Universtity of Technology, Lithuania), Jurgita Sekliuckiene (Kaunas Universtity of Technology, Lithuania)
Competitive Dynamics of Circular Digital Platform-Based Business Models | Viktorija Varaniute (Kaunas Universtity of Technology, Lithuania), Lina Dagiliene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Andrea Urbinati (LIUC Università Cattaneo, Italy), Jenni Kaipainen (Tampere University, Finland), Paavo Ritala (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, Finland), Leena Aarikka-Stenroos (Tampere University, Finland)
Track 4. Technological Entrepreneurship | ONLINE SESSION ONLY
(To connect through your personal laptop, you can use any space on campus or HALL 1 in case of need)
Session 4.1. Technological Entrepreneurship
Session Moderators: Xiaohong Quan, San Jose State University, USA, and Taeho Park, San Jose State University, USA
Generative AI as a Precursory and Complimentary Psychotherapy Tool to Augment Universal Socio-Economic Well-Being | Akshatha Ilangovan (BMS AG, Switzerland), Richard Beswick (BMS AG, Switzerland)
What is the Effective Management of Design Iteration in the Digital Economy? | Masaya Yamamoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Hirofumi Tatsumoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
The Dynamic Advantage: Entrepreneurial Manager, Dynamic Capabilities and Product Innovation in Incumbent Firms | Sandra Volungeviciute Trinkuniene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Asta Pundziene (UC Berkeley, USA & Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Cobots in SMEs: Implementation Processes, Challenges, and Success Factors | Philipp Jennes (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy), Agnieszka Radziwon (Aarhus University, Denmark), Alberto Di minin (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Slovenia)
Track 5. Sustainable HRM and Organizational Sustainability
Room 441
Session 5.1. Towards Organizational Sustainability
Session Moderator: Asta Savaneviciene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
The Value Co-Creation for Sustainable Services: The Employers’ Expectations Dealing with Public Employment Services | Zivile Stankeviciute (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Lina Girdauskiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Asta Savaneviciene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Explorative Study on Benchmarking Approaches for the Improvement of Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Felix Budde (Fraunhofer-Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK, Germany), Florian Kidschun (Fraunhofer IPK, Germany)
Opportunity for Symmetric Approach to the Competition Neutrality – Case of Latvia | Maris Pukis (University of Latvia, Latvia), Inguss Vircavs (University of Latvia, Latvia)
Idiosyncratic Deals in the Workplace: A Critical Review of the Literature and Implications for Practice in Diverse Contexts | Julija Kravcenko (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Track 6. Digital Health and Its Leveraging Technology
Room 228
Session 6.2. Digital Health and Its Leveraging Technology
Session Moderators: Alpo Varri, Tampere University, Finland
Neuromorphic Computing: The Future of AI Technology in Healthcare? | Jasmin Quill (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), Lennart Stoepel (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Multi-Purpose Long-Term Gait Analysis Platform | Marc Codina Barbera (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), David Castells-Rufas (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), Jordi Carrabina (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Impact of Developmental Leadership on Healthcare Professionals’ Satisfaction and Intention to Adopt Hospital Management Information Systems in Public Sector Hospitals of a Developing Country | Nisar Ahmad (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Integrative Review on the Dark Side of Platform in Health: An Ecosystem Approach | Juan E Lopez (Université de Montpellier, France), Irene Georgescu (University of Montpellier, France)
BUSINESS CASE 2. Littelfuse, Lithuania
Case Title: Digital Transformation and Sustainability
Session Moderator: Mantas Vilkas, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania; Lina Uziene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Presenters: Agne Zemgulyte, Sustainability Specialist @ Littelfuse, Lithuania; Sarunas Savickas, Digital Innovation Manager @ Littelfuse, Lithuania
Littelfuse, a multi-national electronics manufacturing company, is undertaking an ambitious digital transformation journey. So far, the results of digitalization have been encouraging. Digitalization enables cost savings, faster order delivery and contributes to productivity and profitability. However, the Department of Sustainability continues arguing while productivity and profitability are essential, organizational human-centricity, resilience, and environmental sustainability are also. They notice that while digitalization increases profitability in the short term, it does not necessarily increase employee well-being, ability to respond to shocks, and ecological footprint in the long term. During the case the following questions will be discussed: How to mobilize the transformative potential of digital technologies for sustainability? Which metrics would reveal the dynamics of human centricity, resilience, and environmental sustainability?
Global challenge “Green Deal”
Moderator: Asta Pundziene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Andy Chen, IEEE TEMS, Canada
Sudeendra Koushik, IEEE TEMS & Volvo, India
Chris Bush, UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business, USA
Henry Chesbrough, UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business, USA
Lina Dagiliene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Irene Georgescu, University of Montpellier, France
Gunter Koch, Humboldt Cosmos Multiversity, Austria & Tenerife
Coffee & Networking break
Plenary session II “Sustainable Society”
Moderator: Asta Pundziene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Keynote: Open Digital Platforms
Henry Chesbrough, Professor @ UC Berkeley Haas School Of Business, USA

Keynote: Digital Sustainability: Promises and Paradoxes
Jonatan Pinkse, Professor @ Alliance Manchester Business School, United Kingdom

Keynote: Strong Sustainability: Considering multi- and transdisciplinary knowledge aspects
Gunter Koch, President @ Humboldt Cosmos Multiversity, Austria and Tenerife
Bus from KTU Santaka Valley to Radisson Kaunas Hotel
Bus from Radisson Kaunas Hotel to Gala Dinner
19:30 – 22:30
Gala Dinner
Volfas Engelman Galerija
Kaunakiemio 2, LT-44354 Kaunas
Bus from Volfas Engelman Galerija to Radisson Kaunas Hotel
WEDNESDAY 11 October
Bus from Radisson Kaunas Hotel to KTU Santaka Valley
Registration opens
Parallel Sessions and Business Case 3
Track 1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Converging in Response to Digitalization, Greening, and Opening of Innovation Networks
Room 225
Session 1.3. Entrepreneurial and Innovation Capability Building in Business and Education
Session Moderator: Aiste Vaisnore, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Leveraging Entrepreneurship Education in Fighting Climate Change – Exploring the Role of Universities in Encouraging NetZero Businesses | Syed Yaqzan (Cranfield University & Torque Energy Consultants Ltd, United Kingdom (Great Britain)), Manish Singh (Cranfield University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)), Stephanie Hussels (Cranfield University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)), Orsolya Ihasz (Cranfield University, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Future STEAMpreneurs: Using Creative Ecosystems for Educating Antidisciplinary Wrong Thinking Strange Makers | Aiste Vaisnore (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Monika Petraite (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Collaborative Innovation on Sustainability Among SMEs: “RSE Occitanie” Network | Lasma Rabaud (University of Montpellier, France)
From Energy Communities to Collective Synergy in Business: Knowledge Transfer for Addressing Social Dilemmas in Entrepreneurship | Vita Brakovska (Riga Technical University & Knowledge and Innovation Society, Latvia)
Open Innovation Capability Maturity Model: The Case of a Multinational Organization | Kristina Kebure (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Track 2. Sustainability-Based Business Models and Consumption Behaviour
Room 226
Session 2.3. Circular Economy Strategies for Greening Businesses and Urban Landscapes
Session Moderator: Viktorija Varaniute, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Leveraging Open Innovation to Implement Circular Economy Principles in Companies | Inga Uvarova (BA School of Business and Finance & ARTSMART, Latvia), Dzintra Atstaja (Riga Stradins University, Latvia & BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia), Iveta Cirule (BIORGANIK5, Latvia)
Measures of Performance Management for Circular Economy Strategies: Balanced Scorecard Approach | Viktorija Varaniute (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Ineta Zickute (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Giedre Vecerskiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Grazvidas Zaukas (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Driving Toward a Greener City: The Challenges of Decarbonizing Urban Taxis in Small Open Economy | Jurgita Bruneckiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Ineta Zykiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Sarunas Mikalonis (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Track 3. Digital Transformation, Roadmapping and Scenario Building | ONLINE SESSION ONLY
(To connect through your personal laptop, you can use any space on campus or HALL 1 in case of need)
Session 3.2. Digital Transformation Roadmapping
Session Moderator: Mantas Vilkas, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Indian Economic Development: The Impact of Digitalization and Financial Technologies | Rahul Singh Gautam (Symbiosis International (Deemed) University, India), Shailesh Rastogi (Symbiosis Institute of Business Management Pune, Symbiosis International (Deemed) University, India), Swapnilsingh Yuwrajsingh Thakur (Symbiosis International University, Pune, India), Hitesh Datta Patole (Symbiosis School of Culinary Art Pune Symbiosis International University Pune, India), Vishwanath Narayan Revankar (Symbiosis School of Culinary Art Pune Symbiosis International University Pune, India), Prashant B Barge (Quality Management and Benchmarking, SIU, Pune & Symbiosis International Deemed University, Pune, India)
Pre-Digital SMEs of Sharing Economy: A Longitudinal Assessment on Coworking Spaces’ Digitalization to Survive Crisis | Tugce Nuray Saka (University of Barcelona, Spain), Jaume Valls (University of Barcelona, Spain), Esther Hormiga (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Strategic Roadmapping for Industry 4.0 Digital Transformation: A Novel Data-Driven Knowledge-Based Approach | Morteza Ghobakhloo (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Digital Innovation in HEIs in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review, Synthesis, and Research Agenda | Ruth Nthenya Wambua (United States International University-Africa & University of Nairobi, Kenya)
Strategic Digital Roadmapping Using Intelligent Automation | Peiman Alipour Sarvari (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg), Andrius Grybauskas (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Mantas Vilkas (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Morteza Ghobakhloo (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Alessandro Stefanini (University of Pisa, Italy), Monika Petraite (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Gediminas Marcinkevicius (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)Setting a Strategy for the Use of Social Media as an Educational Tool to Promote Eco-Responsible Behaviours: The Case Study of Nature Parks in France | Laura Di Chiacchio (Coventry University & UPCT, United Kingdom (Great Britain)), Alexeis Garcia-Perez (Coventry University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)), David Jarvis (Coventry University, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Track 5. Sustainable HRM and Organizational Sustainability
Room 441
Session 5.2. Sustainable HRM
Session Moderator: Zivile Stankeviciute, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
On Dynamics of Collaboration Patterns in Globally Distributed Scrum Teams | Jonas Mumgaudis (ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania), Alfredas Chmieliauskas (ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania), Saulius Simkonis (ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania)
The Key Features of Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness Underlying STEM Workers’ Perceptions of Threats and Rewards | Asta Savaneviciene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Lina Girdauskiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Zivile Stankeviciute (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Defining Employee Resilience in the Context of Environmental Disruptions | Zivile Stankeviciute (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Egle Staniskiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Track 6. Digital Platform and Outcomes
Room 228
Session 6.3. Digital Platform and Outcomes
Session Moderator: Matilda Sea Bez, University of Montpellier, France
Unexpected Effects of Digitalization on Physician’s Identities: The Case of Online Feedback Platforms | Juan E Lopez (Université de Montpellier, France); Irene Georgescu (University of Montpellier, France)
From Group Goals to Personal Achievement: The Effect of Gamification on Employee Well-Being During Company Health Month Events on a Digital Platform | Arturs Bernovskis (Riga Technical University, Latvia), Deniss Sceulovs (Riga Technical University, Latvia)
Towards the Measurement Model of the Socioeconomic Impact of Digital Healthcare Services. Value-Based Healthcare Perspective | Edita Gimzauskiene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Lukas Geryba (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Jurgita Giniuniene (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Laura Pekiene (LSMU Kaunas Hospital, Lithuania), Asta Pundziene (UC Berkeley, USA & Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Rima-Sermontyte Baniule (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)Embeddedness and Loose-Endedness as Parameters for Value Generation and Interpretation in Digital Healthcare Platforms | Christopher Mathieu (Lund University, Sweden), Susanne Boethius (Lund University, Sweden), Nina Helander (Tampere University, Finland), Rima-Sermontyte Baniule (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Asta Pundziene (UC Berkeley, USA & Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Irene Georgescu (University of Montpellier, France), Sea Matilda Bez (University of Montpellier, France)
Profiting from Digital Multi-Sided Platforms. A Research Agenda | Farrukh Naseem Qureshi (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Track 6. Future Trend in Digital Healh | ONLINE SESSION ONLY
(To connect through your personal laptop, you can use any space on campus or HALL 1 in case of need.)
Session 6.4. Future Trends in Digital Health
Session Moderator: Saleh Farazi, London South Bank University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Enhancing Rural Maternal Health Through Digital Healthcare Ecosystems | Chinue A Uecker
Medical Tourism: The Use of Telemedicine for International Patient Continuity of Care | Inas Al Khatib (American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates), Malick Ndiaye (American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates), Norhan Ahmed (American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)
Patient Feedback Platform in Healthcare | Agathe Moriniere (EM Lyon, France), Irene Georgescu (University of Montpellier, France), Sea Matilda Bez (University of Montpellier, France)
Digital Review Platforms in Healthcare: The Interplay Between Openness and Value Proposition | Saleh Farazi (London South Bank University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)), Sea Matilda Bez (University of Montpellier, France), Irene Georgescu (University of Montpellier, France), Sara Melo (Queen University Belfast, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
BUSINESS CASE 3. Staticus, Lithuania
Case title: Digital Twins and Data Management for Game-Changing façade Life Cycle Management
Moderator: Julija Kravcenko, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Presenter: Ricardo M. Seijas, IT Project Manager @ Staticus
Coffee & Networking break
Gluk Media Case Show
Presenter: Simas Chomentauskas, CEO @ Gluk Media, Lithuania
Networking Space:
PhD Colloquium Poster Session
Brokerage Event: Horizon Europe: Connect, Collaborate & Fund
11:00 – 11:20 Digital health – translating knowledge into innovation
Asta Pundziene, Kaunas University of Technology
Andy Chen, IEEE TEMS, Canada
11:20 – 12:15
NCP-EIT Division: Gateway to Collaborative Opportunities
Milda Karciauskaite, NCP Unit
EIT Health Programs: Shaping Europe’s Health Innovations
Viktorija Butrimaite, LSMU Health Innovation Development Centre, EIT Health Hub Lithuania Coordinator
Empowering Researchers: An Overview of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
Justyna Lucinska, Program Coordinator, MSCA National Contact Point, Lithuania
Championing Frontier Research: The European Research Council (ERC) Approach
Aurelija Povilaike, Head of NCP Unit, Research Council of Lithuania, Lithuania
Cluster Health and Mission Cancer Presentation: Current Trends and Future Outlook
Laura Pekiene, Mission Cancer Programme Coordinator
Sigita Bagdoniene, Health NCP Programme Coordinator, Research Council of Lithuania
The European Innovation Council (EIC): Spearheading Breakthrough Innovations
Donata Peciukeniene, NCP Unit, EIC & EIE NCP Programme Coordinator, Lithuania
12:15 – 12:30 Coffee break and transition to 6 networking breakout rooms
12:30 – 13:30 6 breakout room sessions – Q and A session